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Village Tour Villanders

Craftsmanship of Villanders

As of April 2024, there are 50 craft businesses in Villanders with about 200 employees. Most are small or very small businesses. Almost all trades are represented. Besides several small ones, there are two larger craft zones: “Kalchgrube“ and “Bodenacker“.

By organizing Craft Days, we try to introduce the craft professions to the next generations and motivate young people to choose these careers. Together with elementary and middle school students, we create meaningful and lasting projects like a willow arbor, a water and light play installation, wooden sound games, signposts, and more on playgrounds or hiking trails. The following professions have been involved: gardeners, plumbers, tilers, masons, carpenters, joiners, painters, locksmiths, stonemasons, and electricians. The children get personal protective equipment and can screw, drill, saw, sand, paint, lay natural stones, and plant shrubs under professional supervision.

To keep improving, we regularly visit progressive companies at home and abroad. These visits always end with a friendly gathering.
Information "Handcraft"

Lorenz Hofer
+39 346 9795931
Partner Village Tour Villanders