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Village Tour Villanders

Mine of Villanders

The Villanders mine was one of the most important mines in the Alpine region during the Middle Ages. Around 1500, over 1,000 people were employed in and around the mining industry, including highly skilled miners, craftsmen, and transporters. The proceeds from the mine funded the construction of Neustift Monastery and Säben Monastery.

Most of the tunnels and shafts were cut using hammer and chisel. It was only later that black powder was introduced. The miners extracted silver, galena (lead ore), copper, iron pyrite, and zinc blende. These metals were processed into tools, weapons, and even minted into coins with the valuable silver.

The mine was closed down at the beginning of the 20th century and subsequently fell into oblivion. Members of the Cultural and Museum Association renovated it through countless hours of volunteer work. Since the year 2000, it has been open for guided tours. In the mysterious darkness, hundreds of years of mining history in Villanders are illuminated.
Information "Mine Villanders"
Kultur und Museumsverein Villanders EO
Oberland 36
39040 Villanders
+39 345 3115661

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