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Village Tour Villanders

Music band Villanders

The Music Band Villanders is one of the oldest in the region, first mentioned in records in 1803. Back then, brass bands often came from military and marksmen groups with drums and fifes, or from musical groups that played with church choirs. These bands were usually led by schoolmasters or teaching assistants who wanted to earn extra money. At first, rehearsals were held in different places, but in 1890, the band got a permanent rehearsal room.

In 1977, the band started wearing their special uniform, which is still used today. The first female musicians joined in the late 1980s.

Important traditions of the Music Band Villanders include Easter and St. Cecilia concerts, stand concerts, and a trip to the Totenkirchl. Other important events are the Silvesterblasen (New Year’s Eve playing), Maiblasen (May playing), and Martiniblasen (St. Martin’s playing) collections in different parts of the village. The Martiniblasen has been around since 1880 and originally had a “Bundeltroger” (bundle carrier) who went with the musicians to collect wine from farmers. The Maiblasen, which started in 1920, always involved collecting money. During Mai- and Martiniblasen, three groups visit different farms, while the whole band plays in the village center for the Silvesterblasen.
Information "Music Band Villanders"
Music Band Villanders.
J.-Schguaninstraße 17/1
39040 Villanders

Legal Pepresentative:
Kainzwaldner Tobias
Unter St. Stefan 4
39040 Villanders

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