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Village Tour Villanders

Olmkoat Teifl Villanders - The Villanders Devil Association

The Villanders Devil Association "Olmkoat Teifl" was founded in 2015 by six firefighters. In 2016, the official establishment of the association took place, and they began admitting members who were not part of the fire department.

The name "Olmkoat" comes from the legend of the "Âlmkoat“, a fearsome creature. In ancient times, no one dared to spend the night on the Villanderer Alm. A farm worker tried it once, laying down in the hay, but during the night, the creature came and tore him to pieces. Many years later, another farm worker dared to try again, bringing many blessed items with him. He hung them around himself and lay down in the hay. The people placed scythes around the haystack, and the farm worker waited for the Âlmkoat. At midnight, the creature came, jumped around the haystack several times, and cried out: "Oh woe! Oh woe! I'll never come here again." With these words, the monster ran away and never returned.

The main goal of the association is to preserve the traditions and community of young and old, protecting them from the loss of the tradtition "Krampus run and devil driving." The "Olmkoat Teifel" are human devils with hand-carved masks and "Tuiflgwand" made from goatskin, yak leather, and integrated horsehair or wild boar leather. Their primary activities include the annual Krampus parades and joint performances with other groups throughout South Tyrol. The association currently consists of 27 members.
Information "Olmkoat Teifl"
Olmkoat Teifl Villanders
Gravetsch 33
39040 Villanders

Florian Tauferer
Tel. 3924306392

Vice Chairman:
Armin Schölzhorn

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